Norway презентация

Usually, when I want somewhere -I want to go there because I saw some picture and realized that I should be there, so this will be a presentation of a

Слайд 2
Usually, when I want somewhere -I want to go there because

I saw some picture and realized that I should be there, so this will be a presentation of a set of pictures where I really need

sorry, no information about the capital, population, weather and so on.

Слайд 3So one day, I saw this picture in internet
I could not

believe that it is on this planet, and there is.
But now I know that this is a very popular mountain Reynebringen in Lofoten.

Слайд 6And once we started talking about Lofoten, I just show my

favorite places there. This Polar Norway, it's cold, a lot of fishing villages and generally a paradise on earth

Слайд 7Here is a very beautiful place in the fairy tale, the

great Atlantic road, it goes through the ocean.Its length is 8 km and for me it is unbelievable

Слайд 8incredibly beautiful fishing villages

Слайд 9And, of course, of course
Since we are talking about the polar

Norway .On Lofoten I can see my dream come true - the northern lights, even in summer. By the way, this way it can be seen only in photos. Just the eyes can not see it Therefore, I very much fear that I see him but I do not understand what it is

Слайд 10The next part is the Norwegian fjords. Part between Bergen and

Stavanger. There are some very interesting and impressive places

Слайд 11All of these places is the steep mountains it .First is

Preacher’s Pulpit. This is a great mountain with an observation

Слайд 12The next place is the pea stone, which was stuck between

the mountains. I really want to stand on it as do all people

Слайд 13And finally the most ambitious and the most impressive place. It

is the same trudnodustupnoe - language trol or troltunga. That's my real dream, and for several years I meditate on this picture. I think that we should not hesitate because with age, getting there will be more and more difficult

Слайд 14Road to the troll language takes all day and is very


Слайд 15First you go up the old road from the cable car,

and then through the mountains for about 4-5 hours

Слайд 16And then, if you survive, you will see it. The best

place on the planet

Слайд 18in general it all, but I'll tell you about another place

in norvegii.Eto zhelaznaya road in the city Flom. This is a very scenic route especially for tourists, and everyone says that it is very steep, but certainly not like the troll language

Слайд 19Famous for the railway so that you can ride it and

enjoy the incredible views .It all

Слайд 20I think my favorite language troll certainly the coolest in this


Слайд 21I want to show you one of my favorite instagram account

.This gay lives in Norway and floats on kayake.On make stunning pictures

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