New russian version of the test of existential motivations. Development and testing презентация

TEM – new Russian version: the purpose of developing First Russian-language version of TEM (Koryakina, 2010, 2011): - haven't undergone strict psychometric testing (a validity, internal structure

Слайд 1
Elena Ukolova, Vladimir Shumskiy
National Research University “Higher School

of Economics”, Moscow

New Russian Version of the Test of Existential Motivations: development and testing

Слайд 2TEM – new Russian version: the purpose of developing

First Russian-language version of TEM (Koryakina, 2010, 2011):
- haven't undergone strict psychometric testing (a validity, internal structure of the test)
- the contents of items are more focused on counseling and therapeutic practice, but not on researches in the general population
- some items of the test don't express specifics of the measured constructs (the contents of FM)
- items obtained by direct translation from the German version TEM v.2.1 and encountered significant language/wording problems in Russian

Слайд 3TEM – new Russian version: the purpose of developing
In Russian it

is developed TEMIR – Test to Measure Existential Motivations in Interpersonal Relationships (Ukolova, Shumskiy, Osin, 2014), which:
- has the clear structure corresponding to the four fundamental existential motivations
- have undergone strict psychometric testing
- productively used in researches on Russian samples

Слайд 4TEM – new Russian version: the purpose of developing
Based on the

same principles as the TEMIR develop questionnaire to assesses integral factors of personal existence or an integral subjective representation of the quality of one’s life.
Difference: in the new Russian version of TEM we have decided to use a 4-point Likert scale, but not 6-point Likert scale, as in TEMIR, because 6-point response format predisposed to over-agreement

Слайд 5TEMIR:Theoretical background

Using A. Längle’s theory of existential fundamental motivations we

can describe the motivational aspects that are needed in order for one to be fully present as a person in his/her life and to experience fulfilment

TEM – new Russian version: theoretical background

Слайд 6TEM - new Russian version: theoretical background

Слайд 7TEM – new Russian version: theoretical background

The structure of four

fundamental motivations, each of which has three prerequisites resulting in 12 facets of existential fulfilment served as the theoretical basis we used to develop the questionnaire

Слайд 8TEM – new Russian version: structure
Fundamental Trust = Support + Protection

+ Space
Value of Life = Relation + Time + Closeness
Authenticity = Attention + Justice+ Appreciation
Meaning = Field of Activity + Structural Context + Value to be realized in Future

Existential Fulfillment General = Fundamental Trust + Value of Life + Authenticity + Meaning

Слайд 9TEM – new Russian version: steps of development
The items were formulated

independently by the authors,
reviewed by 13 other content experts with a degree in existential analytic counseling,
reviewed in a focus group with M.Sc. students studying existential analysis.
The final item pool included 94 items, between 7 and 9 items per each of the 12 theoretical facets.

Слайд 10TEM – new Russian version: steps of development
The study sample included

897 respondents:
277 males (31%)
610 females (62%)
an age range between 18 and 70,
average 28

Слайд 11TEMIR: steps of development
We applied hierarchical cluster analysis using Ward’s method

with Squared Euclidean distance metric to 94 items standardized into z-scores by variable.

TEM – new Russian version:
steps of development

Слайд 12TEM – new Russian version: steps of development

Слайд 13TEM – new Russian version: steps of development
Hierarchical cluster analysis s

allowed to select 3 indicator items for each of the 3 prerequisites of each of the 4 fundamental existential motivations.
So we selected a set of 36 items grouped into 12 parcels.

Слайд 14TEM – new Russian version: steps of development
Confirmatory factor analysis supported

a hierarchical structure of the 36-item set with 12 first-order factors, 4 second-order factors and 1 third-order factor.
We relied on CFI>0.95 and RMSEA<0.05 as criteria of a good fit, and CFI>0.90 and RMSEA<0.08 as criteria of an acceptable fit of the model to the data.

Слайд 15TEM – new Russian version: validity studies
Construct validity - Russian-language versions

of the following tests were used:
Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS - Lyubomirsky, Lepper, 1999);
The Alienation Test  (Maddi, Kobasa, Hoover, 1980);
Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control Scale (Rotter, 1966)
Mini-Mult - short vervion of MMPI, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Kincannon, 1968)

Слайд 16TEM – new Russian version: construct validity

Слайд 17TEM – new Russian version: construct validity

Слайд 18 Reliability analysis: Alfa-Kronbakh

Слайд 19Dear respondent, Please use the scale below to estimate to what

extent the following statements correspond to you


Слайд 23

Thank you for your attention!

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