My perfect school! презентация

CONTENTS: My mind about perfect school. My ideal school. About myself. Mini essey.

Слайд 1
My perfect and ideal school!

My mind about perfect school.
My ideal school.
About myself.
Mini essey.

By my opinion school must be compulsory because it

is a part of our life of each person. My school is not modern building, but as though it is not so I love it. At my school there is no special school uniform, pupils wearing what they want, but as for all school’s rules at my school the uniform is welcomed too. As for teachers and pupils there are good mutual relations. The teacher listens to ideas of pupils, and pupils can freely communicate with teachers. Such way we getting interesting communication and creative actions, fascinating lessons.


My ideal school should be in the newest building.

Each class has special equipments for special subject and children study only this subject in this class. For example the English language’s class should be with various tables and adapted for a long subject studying. At school it would be possibility of making small lockers for textbooks, as it is in the American schools.


Слайд 5Also it would be desirable that there would be a small

lawn on the school yard with a green grass and benches. It would be a good reason to have resting during breaks in the fresh air. It would be great! Cabinets should be make more spacious and a concert hall must have a rather big stage and great numerous seats for spectators!


Слайд 6

Photos My Ideal School.

Слайд 7Good Bye!
Thank you my dear friends for attention!

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