My native town Arzamas презентация

Our native town is Arzamas. Arzamas is a beautiful town with extremely interesting history. So we will tell you about our birthplace.

Слайд 1
My native town

Слайд 2Our native town is Arzamas. Arzamas is a beautiful town with

extremely interesting history. So we will tell you about our birthplace.

Слайд 3History of Arzamas

Arzamas was founded as a fortress

by Ivan the Terrible (1578). In 1169-1671 town was one of the centers of insurrection led by Stepan Razin. In the XVIII century town began to develop. There were built 36 churches.
Now Arzamas is center of culture and industry of Nizhny Novgorod region.

Слайд 5Geographical location
Our town is situated in the Nizhny
Novgorod region near the


Слайд 6
Symbols of Arzamas

Слайд 7Sights of Arzamas
In Arzamas you can see wonderful sights.

There are many beautiful churches and exciting museums.
Our main sight is Voskresensky Cathedral. Tourists come to Arzamas to see this miracle of architecture.

Слайд 8Voskresensky Cathedral
Church of an icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

Слайд 9Memorial museum of
Arkady Gaydar
Memorial museum of
Maksim Gor’ky

Слайд 10We are proud of our motherland!!!

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