My mother is the most precious person for me презентация

First my Mother Forever my friend.

Слайд 1
My mother is the most precious person for me. I love

her so much. I love not for something, but just because I just have it. I am very proud and cherish my mother. Closer it, I have no one.

Слайд 2First my Mother Forever my friend.

Слайд 3Mom takes care of us with my brother from birth, gives

us his kindness, care, tenderness and motherly love. I am very grateful to my mother for everything she does. And I always try to help her with something. I help my mother to carry heavy bags with food, help with cleaning in our house. My mother cooks very tasty, and I like to help her with this. I learn quite a lot of useful during cooking.

Слайд 4 My mother teaches me useful and useful knowledge that will be

useful to me in life. I also like to go out with her - I'm always interested. We go to visit, to the cinema, to the exhibitions, just to breathe fresh air.

Слайд 5
My mother's name is Saule Kuramysova. She's beautiful. I love my

mother's smile and big green eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, fervent laughter and her hands, caring, warm, dear to me two palms. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects her and loves her. She is able to support in a difficult moment and warm her warmth, when sometimes I feel sad and bitter.

Слайд 6 My mother is very patient, flexible, kind, cheerful, energetic and unique.

Everyone respects and loves her. My mother always supports me in a difficult moment. She is a jack of all trades: she can embroider a cross, knit in many ways, sew and cook deliciously. My mother's profession is a hairdresser. I really love to watch how it works - it makes people beautiful.

Слайд 7Mom is my best friend. She will always help in a

difficult moment, support me, give good advice. My mother and I spend a lot of time together. When I was very young, she accompanied me to the kindergarten, and then we went home together, walked, read books, went to the store. And now I really like to be alone with my mother. We like two girlfriends have fun or are sad, and sometimes we dream.

Слайд 8I really love my mother, I try in everything to be

an assistant and not to upset her. My mommy is the best, because she's mine!

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