My idol - hockey club AK BARS презентация

The club is based in Kazan (Tatarstan). It was founded in 1956 under the name "Mashstroy", in 1958 changed its name to "SC im. Uritsky "under which he performed until 1990

Слайд 1My idol- hockey club AK BARS

Слайд 2The club is based in Kazan (Tatarstan). It was founded in

1956 under the name "Mashstroy", in 1958 changed its name to "SC im. Uritsky "under which he performed until 1990 (renamed" Itil "). Since 1995 it is called "Ak Bars"

"SC im. Uritsky “ 1986

Слайд 3The home matches are held at Tatneft-Arena, which was opened in


Слайд 4"Ak Bars" - one of the most popular and titled clubs

in Russia.

Слайд 5Achievements
National :Champion (4): 1998, 2006, 2009, 2010
International: Champion cup of European


Слайд 6Ak Bars performs in the continental hockey league
In 2009, he became

the first owner of the Gagarin Cup, defeating the Yaroslavl "Locomotive" in the final.

In 2010, for the second time in a row, he won the main trophy of the KHL, having won the HC MVD in the final.

Слайд 7Thank you for attention!

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