My hometown Anadyr презентация

Anadyr`s History My hometown is the capital of Chukotka Autonomous Area, the city of Anadyr. It was founded in 1889 by a polar explorer Leonid Frantsevich Grinivetskiy. First

By Nikita Artemchuk
6 «Г»

Слайд 2Anadyr`s History

My hometown is the capital of Chukotka Autonomous Area,

the city of Anadyr. It was founded in 1889 by a polar explorer Leonid Frantsevich Grinivetskiy.
First was the settlement of Novo-Mariinsk, and much later this settlement became the city of Anadyr

Слайд 3Location of Anadyr
Anadyr is the easternmost city of Russia. There is

a severe climate permafrost and nine months of winter there.

Слайд 4About streets
The main street of the city is Otke street. A

lot of streets in Anadyr are called after people, who left their mark in history of the city at Chukotka. These people were Rultytegin, Tevlyanto, Bering and Dezhnev.

Слайд 5Buildings
There are two schools, one hospital, polyclinic and three kindergartens in

my hometown. There is also a district library of Tan-Bogoraz, a museum centre " The legacy of Chukotka ", an art gallery and, the proud of the whole Chukotka, the state Chukchi-Eskimo ensemble " Argyron".

Слайд 6Mayor
The mayor of the city is Davidenko Ilya Valentinovich, who was

elected for this post on the 14th of September 2014.

Слайд 7Famous Writer
Anadyr is proud of its famous writer Yuriy Sergeevich Rytheu,

on the centre square of the city there is a monument of this man. He wrote such books as " A dream at the beginning of the fog", "In the mirror of oblivion" and some others. His works have been translated into 97 languages.

Слайд 8Celebrations
There are well-known holidays of the city like Korushka festival (at

the end of April), Beringiya Paggytti and others.

Слайд 9Surroundings
The surroundings of Anadyr are very picturesque and inhabited with a

lot of animals, like bears, deer, elks, wolves, squirrels and others. In the firth (which we call Lyman) there is a lot of different fish. In the summer people can fish Siberia salmon, red salmon and hunchback salmon, and in the winter they fish smelt. This is a most popular fish in Chukotka, it is very tasty and fresh small smells like a cucumber.

Слайд 10End
This is all I can tell you about Anadyr. It is

a small cozy not her town which I would visit again with pleasure

And what can you tell about your hometown?

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