My favourite film презентация

Слайд 1My favourite film

Слайд 2I watched many different films in various genres:

-And much more I couldn't choose which film I prefer,but I chose"Kingsman: the Secret service"

"Kingsman: the Secret service"

Слайд 3"Kingsman: the Secret service"was filmed in the genre of action,Comedy.

Слайд 4Into the role
Of Taron Egerton-Gary (Eggsy) Unwin
Colin Firth-agent "Kingsman" Harry HART

/ Galahad
Samuel L. Jackson As Richmond Valentine
Mark Strong-Merlin
Michael Caine-head "Kingsman" Chester king / Arthur
Sophie Cookson-Roxanne Morton / the new Lancelot
Sofia Boutella-a Valentine's assistant, Gazelle killer
Samantha Womack-Michelle Unwin
Edward Holcroft-Charlie Hesketh

Слайд 5Of Taron Egerton-Gary (Eggsy) Unwin,Colin Firth-agent "Kingsman" Harry HART / Galahad,Samuel

L. Jackson's-Richmond Valentine.

Слайд 6Mark Strong-Merlin, Michael Caine-head "Kingsman" Chester king / Arthur, Sophie Cookson-Roxanne

Morton / the new Lancelot, Sofia Boutella-a Valentine's assistant, Gazelle killer.

Слайд 7My favorite characters
All hero"Kingsman: the Secret service"very well known actors

who starred in other popular films. Still from this film,my preference goes, Taron Edgerton and Colin Firth.

Слайд 8Joint photo

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention!

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