My favourite creator of soundtrack презентация

Слайд 1My favourite creator of soundtrack

Слайд 2АХТУНГ!!!
Да, ахтунг на русском, т.к. я хочу предупредить что презент полностью

не доделан, т.к. все данные на флешке слетели, следовательно были стерты и видеоматериалы. Да, в этом презенте должны быть видеофайлы, но они помахали ручкой, так что придется довольствоваться иконкой громкоговорителя, где будет воспроизводиться аудиофайл
(рекомендация: сделать звук потише, а то вдруг как бомбанут колонки =) )

Слайд 3

I greet you, my friends. In this presentation I will tell

you about my favorite Creator of music - Toby Fox

Слайд 4Toby “Radiation” Fox - also known under the name FwugRadiation —

music composer and game designer. He developed the critically acclaimed RPG Undertale and created soundtracks for her in 2015. His avatar is Annoying dog.

It’s he

Слайд 5Toby Fox started as a forum participant EarthBound, Starmen.Net under the

name "Radiation", where he led the web site PK Hack forum 2011.For the first time went public with the infamous "EarthBound Halloween hack", also known as, "Push the button B, dummy!", which was brought up for Halloween Fanfest Starmen.Net 2008. Toby Fox has also created the music for Homestuck, and then he wanted to create tales of zestiria, which was partially developed in the basement of Andrew hussie

Слайд 6Undertale - one of his great creations.
It was released on September

15 in 2015-m to year, and at the moment is world-renowned in all societies. Toby invested in it all his soul (and lazy) and wanted this game to teach us that we need to appreciate life (the way of the pacifist) that it makes no sense in the massacres (the way of genocide). Even at the end of the genocide, replaying the game several times this way, one that meets us at the end, says that another way would have been more preferable.

Слайд 7
Извините, что скрин на русском, будь чуть больше времени, был бы

на английском. Это не так то просто, знаете ли.

Слайд 8

Closer to his music. I like his work because they (soundtrecks)

impregnated with a character, give a sense of the atmosphere that's going on there
In his album there are a total of 101 songs, tracks 78-101 are considered "hidden".
The following slides will be the title of the music and the music itself
(there are a few as examples)

Слайд 9Toby Fox-Bergentrückung

Слайд 10toby fox-Bonetrousle

Слайд 11toby fox-CORE

Слайд 12toby fox-Heartache

Слайд 13Toby Fox-Spear of Justice

Слайд 14toby fox-Death by Glamour

Слайд 15That's all that I can tell you about Toby the Fox

and his work. More detailed information is in the wiki

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