millionaire christmas презентация

Слайд 2
1 1 $100
22 $200
33 $300
44 $500
66 $2,000
77 $4,000
88 $8,000
99 $16,000

11 $64,000

12 12 $125,000

13 13 $250,000

14 14 $500,000

55 $1,000

10 10 $32,000

15 15 $1 MILLION

Слайд 3
A. the North Pole
Question 1

Santa Claus arrives from ...

B. Alaska

C. Russia



Слайд 5
A. The door
Question 2
Santa Clause “comes” to every house

through ...

B. The window

C. The chimney

D. The pantry

Слайд 7
A. A snow girl
Question 3

Santa Clause brings ...

B. Snow

C. Christmas


D. Presents

Слайд 9
A. under children` s beds

Question 4

Santa Claus puts

little presents ...

B. into children` s shoes

C. into children` s stockings

D. under their pillows

Слайд 11
A. Coal
Question 5

What has Frosty the Snowman got as a nose?



C. Carrot

D. He hasn’t got a nose!!!

Слайд 13
A. 10

Question 6
How many sides does a snowflake have?

B. 5

C. 8



Слайд 15
A. 8

Question 7

How many reindeer does Santa Have?

B. 10



D. 9

Слайд 17
A. Dancer

Question 8
What is the name of the best known Santa’s reindeer?



C. Cupid

D. Vixen

Слайд 19
A. Expensive Friday

Question 9

In the USA, the day after Thanksgiving is

traditionally the start of the Christmas shopping season. What is this day also known as?

B. Red Friday

C. Shop-till-drop Friday

D. Black Friday

Слайд 20$16,000

Слайд 21
A. 1st December
Question 10

According to the tradition, on which date should

you put up your Christmas tree?

B. 6th December

C. 12th December 

D. 24th December

Слайд 22$32,000

Слайд 23
A. Norway

Question 11

The Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square is traditionally

given to Britain by which country?

B. Denmark

C. Sweden

D. Austria

Слайд 24$64,000

Слайд 25
A. Make a wish
Question 12
According to the tradition what Englishmen usually

do under the Mistletoe?

B. Kiss

C. Hug

D. Dream

Слайд 26$125,000

Слайд 27
A. Queen Elizabeth

Question 13 

Who was the first English monarch who had

a Christmas tree?

B. King James VI

C. Queen Victoria

D. King George II

Слайд 28$250,000

Слайд 29
A. Charles I
Question 14
Who 'banned' Christmas during the middle seventeenth century?

B. Prince Rupert

of the Rhine

C. Oliver Cromwell

D. William Laud

Слайд 30$500,000

Слайд 31
A. C.I.A
Question 15
On Christmas Eve, what American government agency tracks Santa's


B. F.B.I



Слайд 32$1 MILLION

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