Life in the desert презентация

Today is the 20th –of January It is Wednesday

Слайд 1Check up the hometask

Слайд 2Today is the 20th –of January

It is Wednesday

Слайд 3
The theme:
Life in the


Слайд 4I-group
1) Complete the sentences:
3) What is this animal?
2) Correct the sentences:
They live

in water, but they are not fish. They have warm blood and they breathe air through a hole in the top of their head. (whale)

The grey wolf is the largest member of the bear family. (dog)
Life in desert does not look lifeless. (looks)

Our planet in home to a vast collection of  (animals).
Some animals have (fur) or (feathers), many have no hard (body) parts at all.

Слайд 5

1) Complete the sentences:
Animals often have (eyes), (ears) and

Animals’ bodies are made of lots of (cells).

2) Correct the sentences:

Most of the animals hide, because it’s raining during the day. (hot)
The trees in the tropical forest are not green. (always)

3) What is this animal?

They live in Africa and India. Hunters have been killing them for meat and their ivory tusks for a long time. They are very big animals.  (elephant)

Слайд 6

1) Complete the sentences:
Animals have also (muscles) and (nerves).

many animals are in (danger). We must look often the (animals).

2) Correct the sentences:

It never rains in the tropical forest. (often)
It’s very cold in the tropical forest and most animals live into the holes. (cool, trees)

3) What is this animal?

This animal bounds along on its enormous back legs, using its strong tail to help it balance. This animal lives only in Australia. (kangaroo)

Слайд 7New words:
a desert – шөл дала
a tropical forest – тропикалық

cool – салқын
insect – жәндік
lifeless –жансыз
hide - тығылу
species – түр
a snake – жылан
a rat – тышқан
a monkey – маймыл
a tree snake – ағаш жыланы

Слайд 8

Wild animals
1. Animals divide into two categories. What are


2. Name the domestic animals.

3. Name the wild animals

Слайд 11Present Simple Tense
(қазіргі осы шақ)
Етістігі әдетте қайталанып тұрушы белгілі бір уақыт

мерзімді білдірмейтін, жалпы іс әрекетті білдіреді.

Мысалы: I like in Almaty – Мен Алматыда тұрамын.
We get up at 7 o’clock – Біз таңертен сағат 7-де оянамыз.
(әрқашан, әр күні бір уақытта, яғни сағат 7-де тұратынын білдіріп тұр)

Слайд 124. Do you know anything about life in the desert?
5. What

kind of animals live there?
6. What kind of animals live in the tropical
7. Do you know anything about whales?
8. Are there whales in the Caspian Sea?
9. Where do tigers and elephants live?

Слайд 13Conclusion
At home:
ex. 11

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