Let’s go to the restaurant презентация

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Restaurant

Слайд 3Let’s Go to the Restaurant

Слайд 5Drinks: tea, …
Vegetables: tomatoes, …
Fruits: apples, …
Cold food: cheese, …
Hot food:

Sweet food: pie,…

Слайд 6What would you like
1 for breakfast ?
2 for dinner?
3 for supper?

Слайд 7Rabbit likes to eat …
We eat soup with …
Little mouse likes

Tiger would like to eat …
We drink coffee with …
Children drink tea with … and …

Слайд 8Put the words in the correct order:
1.eat/in the morning/porridge/I
2.She/milk/with/coffee/drink/does not
4.We/eat/for breakfast/do

5.For supper/would/I/orange/like/juice
7.Does not/Lizzy/mineral/drink/water

Слайд 9
1. I eat porridge in the morning.
2.She does not drink

coffee with milk.
3. They like hamburgers with cheese.
4.We do not eat pizza, salad or fish for breakfast.
5. I would like an orange juice for supper.
6. They are drinking tea and eating a nice
chocolate cake.
7. Lizzy does not drink mineral water.

Слайд 10 Представьте что вы с другом/подругой пришли на ужин в

ресторан. Разыграйте диалог: что вы любите есть? чтобы вы хотели съесть? Расскажите о своих вкусах и пристрастиях в еде.

Слайд 11What food is healthy?

Слайд 14 Are you
a healthy child?

Слайд 15 1. Do you often go to McDonalds? a never b seldom c often

Слайд 16
2. What would you eat for breakfast?

a porridge
b hamburger with tea
c pizza with coke

Слайд 173. What would you eat for dinner?

a porridge
b meat
c I would go to McDonalds

Слайд 184. What would you eat for supper?

a salad with orange juice b cheese c hamburger

Слайд 195. Do you do morning exercises?
a every morning

b seldom
c never

Слайд 20
A: You are a healthy child

B: You have some problems with your health

C: Only a doctor can help you!

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