Как написать статью на английском языке и избежать типичных ошибок презентация

Текст- артефарт науки Наука - это фронтир знаний, фронтир человеческого любопытства, волна первооткрывателей, первопроходцы. То, что не было зафиксировано письменно, «остается беззвучным и немым», прошедшим без истории [Гегель, 1993:

Слайд 1Как написать статью на английском языке и избежать типичных ошибок
Шарапкова Анастасия


Слайд 2

Слайд 4Текст- артефарт науки
Наука - это фронтир знаний, фронтир человеческого любопытства,

волна первооткрывателей, первопроходцы.
То, что не было зафиксировано письменно, «остается беззвучным и немым», прошедшим без истории [Гегель, 1993: 479].

Слайд 6A good paper in English
A "good paper", needs to

"present a new idea in an easy to understand way". ( M. Chang)
Простая ≠ утверждающая всем известные истины, повторяющая уже сделанное ранее
Понятная ≠ элементарная по содержанию, избегающая сложных вопросов или спорных моментов.


Слайд 7A good paper in English
Научная статья - жанр научной прозы

являет собой четкое, последовательное и достаточное изложение необходимой информации в утвержденной и сформированной последовательности информационных блоков.

Слайд 8
It is a well-known commonality that written communications of all sorts

have a propensity to descend quite deeply into a kind of approach imposed very often unwittingly by the author that absolutely ensures the fact that the desired message is not, for the most part, uncomplicated, a stylistic habit that, unless regarded with utmost concern and consideration – an attentiveness boasted by merely a few writers – can turn into an abstraction to fulsome understanding. (Koerber, 2015)

Слайд 10A good paper in English
Хорошая статья предполагает ответственное отношение автора

к своему читателю, иными словами, хорошая статья это результат работы автора, который сделал все возможное для того, чтобы облегчить ее понимание потенциальному читателю.
The paper has to be proofread by many different people, rewritten, and edited many, many, many times. Most papers are difficult to understand because they are just written, not edited.

Слайд 11A bad paper in English
- это джунгли: «Повторяю еще раз:

очень важна ЯСНОСТЬ ИЗЛОЖЕНИЯ. Редактор не должен ПРОРУБАТЬСЯ сквозь текст, как через амазонские джунгли. Надо писать – ЯСНО, ОБЪЕКТИВНО, ТОЧНО, КРАТКО!» (I. van S. Из Elsevier)
- это лед: «Энергия читателя конечна, и пока он пробирается сквозь лингвистическое воплощение вашей идеи и пытается понять – а где здесь глагол, а где здесь придаточное, а к чему это относится, его энергия заканчивается и содержание начинает волновать в меньшей степени»
- это одежда не по размеру, Keep working until your outline fits your idea like a glove.
“bad style is like high heels for fencing- horrid and useless”

- это мутная вода : «It is extremely important, as a well-ordered sentence makes meaning clear and concise, whereas a badly ordered sentence makes the reader (and marker) work very hard to understand the meaning like to see the sun through the clouded waters»
Это гугл-перевод: they are so awful to read. Why isn't bad language picked up and corrected when peer review is done? I understand that a lot of these academics don't have English as their first language, but publishing a paper that reads like it was translated from Chinese to English with Google Translate and a thesaurus is not a good way to publish your research.


Слайд 12Что пишет Elsevier?
Do publishers correct language?
No; it is the author's responsibility…

but resources are available.
Often authors assume that the publisher will correct the language of their manuscript after it has been accepted, but this assumption is not correct. It is actually the author's responsibility to make sure a paper is in the best form possible. Doing so means correcting the rudimentary issues related to grammar and spelling, as well as providing a clear, logical, and connected story-line. Though publishers do not correct language, they do often provide resources for authors who are less familiar with the conventions of international journals. Please check your publisher's Guide for Authors website for more information. Some publishers may also perform technical screening prior to peer review. If the quality of the language of your paper does not meet a journal's minimum standards, it can be returned to you for improvement.

Слайд 13A good paper in English
- clear
- concise
- correct

- direct
-specific, not too general
- well-supported
- well-formatted
- strong


Слайд 14Почему не стоит переводить статью? – интерференция языков
“ this

problem is paid a lot of attention”
“this issue/ problem is widely recognized as important/ urgent/ vital/ crucial…”
The problem like this causes a number of questions”.
“The problem like this raises a number of questions”.
there is enough evidence
“There is solid/sufficient evidence”
“This theory has a number of conclusions”
“This theory has a number of profound and far-reaching implications”
“The structure realizes a number of functions”
“This structure fulfills a number of functions. This structure is multifunctional”


Слайд 15Почему не стоит переводить статью? – интерференция языков
These isolated

particles are widely used as a valuable model system for PSII RCs since their first preparation in 1987.
A prime, a reliable model
The amount of these complexes peaked as early as at 20-40 s (Figure 2B), indicating a high rate of ribosomal scanning through the preceded 31-nt leader which is in accordance with the previously estimated speed of scanning ribosomes.
The amount of these complexes peaked as early as at 20-40 s (Figure 2B), indicating a high rate of ribosomal scanning through the preceded 31-nt leader This correlates with the previously estimated speed of scanning ribosomes.
Reading is not only perceptual but also motor process. During reading at each moment of time the recognition of the incoming visual information is carried out as well as eye movements are prepared and executed.
Reading is both perceptual and motor process because the recognition of the incoming visual information is carried out continuously and accounts for how and when eye movements are prepared and executed.
Heavy metal contamination is the problem of priority that affects millions of hectares of soil worldwide. One of the prospective, environmental-friendly and cost-effective approach to remediate polluted soils could be application of organic amendments.
Heavy metal contamination is a priority issue affecting millions of hectares of soil throughout the world. One of the most promising, environmental-friendly, and cost-effective approach to remediate polluted soils could be applying organic amendments.


Слайд 16Основные проблемы при написании статей
Связанныe с общей логикой повествования и

английского научного дискурса.
Связанные с синтаксисом
Связанные с грамматикой
На стыке грамматики и лексики
Лексические проблемы


Слайд 17Основные проблемы при написании статей – 1)

Слайд 18Основные проблемы при написании статей – 1)

Слайд 19Основные проблемы при написании статей – 1) построение абзаца
Evolutionary biology

today tries to explain a natural world that appears remarkably different from the nature of the past century. It is a dynamic world, where sym­biosis and phenotypic plasticity are the rules, not the exceptions. High-throughput sequencing has uncov­ered a world of complex interactions between developing organisms and the biotic and abiotic components of their environments. This newfound awareness of the depend­ency of phenotypes on other species and environmen­tal conditions presents additional layers of complexity for evolutionary theory and raises many questions that are being addressed by new research programmes. The field of ecological evolutionary developmental biology (Eco- Evo-Devo) attempts to study and model this new view of nature by organizing concepts such as developmental symbiosis and developmental plasticity into evolutionary theory.

Слайд 20A concluding sentence serves two purposes:
1. It signals the end of

the paragraph.
2. It leaves the reader with the most important ideas to remember. It can do
this in two ways:
• By summmizing the main points of the paragraph
• By repeating the topic sentence in different words

Слайд 21Основные проблемы при написании статей – 1) построение абзаца

Evolutionary biology - The field of ecological evolutionary developmental biology (Eco- Evo-Devo)
Tries - attempts
a natural world that appears remarkably different - new view of nature

использование указательных местоимений c существительными
These extensive experimental and computational analyses allowed us to assign

замена части речи одного слова (легкскограмматические синонимы)
To attempt – attempt
We aimed - our aim
замена активного залога пассивным
There are many ways in which the term “individual” is used in biology.
As such, all classical conceptions of individuality are called into question by evidence of all-pervading symbiosis.

Слайд 22 
1. Repeat key nouns.
2. Use consistent pronouns. This it
3. Use

transition signals to link ideas.
4. Arrange your ideas in logical order.
5 Synonyms , key vocabulary

Слайд 23
Actions taken during a smog aim to prevent pollution levels from

rising further.
the aim of the paper.

Approach smth. from __perspective.
We approach this problem from a new perspective.
The approach is.
This approach leads directly to various methods for generating further exact solutions.

To emphasize smth.
This may serve to emphasise the effects of X-rays.
to lay/ put/ place emphasis on.
 put emphasis on a radical definition of' children's rights‘…
Important- importance
Use- use( v)- user- usefull- usefulness- misuse- useless- usable- usefully
Result- result (v) – resulting- resultant
Face- to face
Study- to study

Слайд 24Есть списки наиболее употребляемых слов и их соответствий BNC

Слайд 28Become a scholar of the journal you target
You can take

the analytical and targeting processes one step further, making your study of the journal as thorough as your study of your field. It might even help to put aside your current ‘reading knowledge’ of your journal, and look at the journal as if it were in another area. You already know the journals. The purpose of this section is to argue that you could and should know them better. You certainly will have absorbed subconsciously certain features of their style, structure and layout, in the course of reading articles for content, but what you need now is an analysis of the writing.

Слайд 29Reviewer's comments
Отсутствует четкая формулировка проблемы и значимости ( не ясно зачем

There is no scientific question pointed out in the Introduction. Since there are many relevant literatures about soil remediation, a review of results from these literatures needs to be added and the novelty of this work as compared with previous studies needs to be illustrated. Otherwise. the significance of this work is unknown.
Слишком пространное вступление
The Introduction occupies too high a proportion of the entire paper and contains too many general statements that are already widely known. The rationale and objectives are not defined and the whole section is completely disorganized - it is not clear what problem the author is addressing or trying to solve and why they chose their particular methodology. Much of the initial part is essentially a cut and paste from the Abstract.
Нет информации о структуре статьи
The author has not related the background information to the objective of the paper. Also, there is no mention of what the reader can expect in the rest of the paper (i.e. main results and conclusions) and how this information will be structured (i.e. into the various sections).
Слишком специализированное вступление, которое сложно читать
Please remember that the paper may be read by inexperienced Ph.D. students or others starting their work in your specific field. Hence, please add an explanation or at least a reference when mentioning notions related to … and the terminology for ...

Слайд 30Лингвистические способы описания Problem
Синтаксические ( However, Nevertheless, _, while _ )

( отрицание)

Nitric oxide is very important molecule for all living organisms but its role in plants is studied insufficiently if compare with animals, although the spectrum of its functions in plants can be more variable.
Nitric oxide is vital for all living organisms, yet its role in plants is studied insufficiently compared with animals. We presume that the spectrum of its functions in plants is even wider than in animals.

Слайд 31Lexical negation phrases
Genome scale comparisons among bryophytes thus also remain extremely

Beyond the mainstream
Previous work has only focused on / been limited to / failed to address
The central / core problem of
Little evidence
Ambiguous / deficient/ doubtful/ far from perfect/ ill-defined/inconclusive/ inadequate/
Current solutions to the problem are inconsistent / inadequate / incorrect / ineffective / inefficient / weak/ lacking/ over-simplistic / unsatisfactory/ ill-defined / unfounded / not well grounded / unsupported / questionable / disputable / debatable/ misunderstood / have not been dealt with in depth ( precision)
Techniques to solve X are computationally demanding / subject to high overheads / time consuming / impractical / frequently unfeasible.
A major defect / difficulty / drawback / disadvantage / flaw of X is …
This particular / specific area of X has been overlooked / has been neglected / dismissed/ remains unclear …

Слайд 32
But today much of taxonomy is perceived to be facing a

new crisis — a lack of prestige and resources that is crippling the continuing cataloguing of biodiversity. A second problem is part of the legacy of more than 200 years of systematics. Many taxonomists spend most of their career trying to interpret the work of nineteenthcentury systematicists: deconstructing their often inadequate published descriptions, or scouring the world’s museums for type material that is often in very poor condition. A depressing fraction of published systematic research concerns these issues. In some taxonomic groups the past acts as a dead weight on the subject, the complex synonymy and scattered type material deterring anyone from attempting a modern revision. As Frank-Thorsten Krell pointed out in Correspondence (Nature 415, 957; 2002), “original descriptions have to be referred to for ever, independent of the paper’s quality”. The problems do not always lie in the past. Even today, many species are being described poorly in isolated publications, with no attempt to relate a new taxon to existing species and classifications. Many of these ‘new’ species will have been described before, so sorting out the mess will be the headache of the next generation of taxonomists. It is not surprising if funding bodies view much of what taxonomists do as poor value for money.

Слайд 33Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические
1)Предложения с неясной

Specific signs of diencephalic structure dysfunction to have been in the most cases appeared in the form of non-spindled, pointed alpha rhythm with the frequency similar to theta rhythm and in the form of wrong distribution of alpha activity were detected in the free divers’ electroencephalogram.

Слайд 34Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические
2) Слишком длинное

Charge separation in the reaction center (RC) of photosystem II (PSII) occurs via picosecond formation of the radical pair P680+PheoD1-, where P680 is a dimer of two chlorophyll a (Chl) molecules, and PheoD1 is the pheophytin acceptor molecule located at the photochemically active cofactor branch bound to the D1 polypeptide (see for a review Ref. [1]).
It is now quite well accepted that charge separation in PSII reaction centers takes place ( occurs)  in a few picoseconds, leading to the formation of the radical pair ... with P 680 being

Слайд 35 Using automatic translation software (e.g. Google Translate, Babel

fish, and Systran) can considerably ease the work of researchers when they need to translate documents thus saving them money (for example the fee they might have otherwise had to pay to a professional translator) and increasing the amount of time they have to spend in the laboratory rather than at the computer.
Using automatic translation software (e.g. Google Translate, Babel fi sh, and Systran) can considerably ease the work of researchers when they need to translate documents. This can save them money, for example the fee they might have otherwise had to pay to a professional translator. It can also increase the amount of time they have to spend in the laboratory rather than at the PC.

Слайд 363) Лишнее придаточное
The amount of these complexes peaked as

early as at 20-40 s (Figure 2B), indicating a high rate of ribosomal scanning through the preceded 31-nt leader which is in accordance with the previously estimated speed of scanning ribosomes.

Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические


This correlates

Слайд 374) Предложение, начинающееся с наречных конструкций или с придаточных предложений.

the biochemically isolated PSII RC (D1/D2/cyt b559 RC complex [2]) in which forward electron transfer from PheoD1- is blocked due to the absence of the plastoquinone acceptors, P680+PheoD1- recombines on the nanosecond time scale [3-7] to form the lowest excited triplet state of chlorophyll via the radical pair mechanism [5,8].

Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические


Слайд 38

Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические

Слайд 39

Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические

Слайд 40Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические

It is important to

note, that each mRNA molecule in our system was able to acquire only a single 43S complex onto its initiation region, since the distances between the AUG codons were too short to accommodate more than one ribosome.
Notably, each particular mRNA molecule in our system was able to acquire only a single 43S complex onto its initiation region, since the distances between the AUG codons were too short to accommodate more than one ribosome.
It was found that in the data available from subjects from developing countries were smaller and had lower metabolic rates as it was expected. 
The data available on developing countries were found to be unpredictably smaller and the subjects had lower metabolic rates.
It is assumed that sliding presupposes the movement of the 43S complex along the mRNA to a 5’ distal AUG codon after a pronounced pause at the 5’ proximal AUG.
Sliding presupposes the movement of the 43S complex along the mRNA to a 5’ distal AUG codon after a pronounced pause at the 5’ proximal AUG.


Слайд 41Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические

It is most likely

that charrs colonized these lakes from streams which have been situated higher on the mountainside.
Charrs are most likely to have colonized these lakes from streams which had been situated higher on the mountainside.


Слайд 42Основные проблемы при написании статей – 2) синтаксические

6) короткие монотонные предложения


microbiota is important for Homan health. Genomic variation needs to be studied in order to get information about how it could be used in treating some diseases.

Given the importance of the gut microbiota in human health, an understanding of genomic variation in gut microbial populations will probably trigger applications towards human well-being and disease.


Слайд 43
In this article I will briefly emphasise the enormity of the

energy/carbon dioxide problem that we face within the coming decades and discuss the contributions that could be made by fuels derived directly from photosynthesis (biofuels) and from developing new technologies based on the successful principles of photosynthesis. I will particularly emphasise the possibility of exploiting the vast amounts of solar energy available to split water to produce dioxygen and the reducing equivalents required to generate fuels such as hydrogen gas, alcohols and methane.
( James Barber)
Мы можем заметить, что предложения достаточно длинные, сложные, но понятные.

Charrs of the genus Salvelinus (Salmonidae, Osteichthyes), inhabiting the Pacific Beringia region, are divided into two closely related complex taxa: S. malma(Dolly Varden) and S. alpinus (Arctic Charr), or S. taranetzisensulato (TaranetsCharr) (Brunner et al., 2001; Oleinik, Skurikhina&Brykov, 2007; Osinov& Pavlov, 1998; Taylor et al., 2008). Sympatric habitations of charrs in the western Alaska are limited and ( thus the )phylogeny of the taxa was established (McPhail, 1961; Behnke, 1980; McCart, 1980; Reist, Johnson & Carmichael, 1997; Taylor et al., 2008), as well as ( while)the north-eastern Asia charr localizations and phylogenetic relationships were not studied enough (Salmenkova&Omelchenko, 2013).

Слайд 44Основные проблемы при написании статей – 3) грамматические
1) ошибки
In the

further text considered only are sequenced samples.
 It seems that any fundamental role in triggering sexual behaviour is unlikely.
In addition, it do not retain the oxygen-evolving complex.
Kaolinite is the most studied two-layered clay mineral and the most simple ( the simplest) for interpretation in the light of the complex triple interaction.
We assumed that the first group of charrs should be associated with lacustrine Arctic Charr (Salvelinustaranetzi) and the second group – with common Dolly Varden (Salvelinusmalma), which were fed ( feed) in the lakes and spawned ( spawn) in the tributaries.


Слайд 45Основные проблемы при написании статей – 3) грамматические
2) Соотношение активного и

пассивного залога
it has been found that there had been…
3) Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные
Research, evidence
4) Множественное число
5) времена (Past simple –Present Perfect)
6) Артикли


Слайд 46
Of these papers, less than a half deals / deal with

this issue.
2. A number of authors has / have claimed that x = y.
3. The number of publications per year is / are reported in Table 3.
4. The majority of articles only covers / cover marginal issues.
5. None of the instruments work / works .
6. Both clinical and neuropathological evidence shows / show that these symptoms are…

Слайд 47
Antenna может быть и antennas и Antennae в зависимости от того,

в какой журнал вы подаете!
data сейчас может быть и множественным – от datum и собирательным как evidence

Слайд 53That - which
That introduces a restrictive clause
Which introduces a nonrestrictive clause

Figure 6 shows the low population density and the extent of areas that are effectively uninhabited, in response to overwhelming environmental and topographical difficulties.
 The arcuate island chain of the Outer Hebrides is underlain by rocks, which are amongst the oldest in Britain, principally comprising Lewisian gneisses with some granites and younger sedimentary rocks.

Слайд 54
The police are searching for a man with one eye called

What’s his other eye called?
If the baby will not drink its milk, boil it.

Слайд 55Основные проблемы при написании статей – 3)лексико-грамматические
Adoptive cell transfer ( ACT)

imunotherapy is based on the ex vivo selection of tumour-reactive lymphocytes, and their activation and numerical expression before reinfusion to the autologous tumour-bearing host
These findings imply that the rates of ascorbate radical production and its recycling via dehydroascorbate reductase to replenish the ascorbate pool are equivalent at the lower irradiance, but not equivalent at higher irradiance with the rate of ascorbate radical production exceeding its recycling back to ascorbate.


Слайд 56Основные проблемы при написании статей – 3)лексико-грамматические
Deregulation of physiologic microRNA (miR)

activity has been shown to play an important role in tumor initiation and progression, inducing gilomagnesis. Therefore, molecular species that can regulate miR activity on their target RNAs without affecting the expression of relevant mature miRs may play equally relevant roles in cancer.


Слайд 57
A special case of this general issue is the problem of

the origin and disambiguation of syntactic ambiguity in the language.

However the parameters of saccades and fixations indirectly represent the brain language processes because they are closely related with cognitive functions (attention, memory, letter pattern recognition, decision making) providing the recognition and comprehension of written language (Clifton et al., 2007).

The process of recognition of letters that comprise morphemes and words occurs during the fixations.

Слайд 58Основные проблемы при написании статей – 4)лексические
Ложные друзья переводчика
The structure realizes

a number of functions
2) Нарушение сочетаемости


Слайд 59These isolated particles are widely used as a valuable model system

for PSII RCs since their first preparation in 1987 [8].
In both cases, the complex accumulation kinetics were much faster than those at the ΔE012 mRNA, but a clear delay in 48S formation on the second AUG was observed at the ΔE12 mRNA as compared to ΔE2 mRNA
Standing aside from the hot discussions of whether clay minerals were or were not among the primary entombing sediments in Lagerstätten and Burgess Shale Type Lagerstätten especially (Powell, 2003; Butterfield, 2007; Page et al., 2008), we note that clays were most likely present in ancient bottom sediments.

Слайд 60
Artemia were well visible over 14 months and longer (up to

two years).
The mechanism that guided for centuries the formation of exceptionally preserved fossils with soft tissue variously displayed is the paramount challenge to paleontological science.
The mechanism that guided the formation of exceptionally preserved fossils with variously displayed soft tissue is the challenge of paramount importance for paleontology/ a crucial issue/ a primary concern for paleontological science.

Слайд 61Как проверять сочетаемость?
пользоваться словарями издательств Longman, McMillan, Oxford+ словарями сочетаемости.. (Oxford

Collocations Dictionary for students of English).

Слайд 64
Новое свойство возникает, когда мы рассматриваем. ..
Выясняется одно замечательное свойство

характерной чертой предыдущего примера является...
Относительно соотношения (12) заметим, что его интересным свойством является. .. —
Здесь проявляются две интересные особенности.
Основное (= существенное) требование, предъявляемое к... состоит в том, чтобы...

A new feature emerges when we consider. ..
A remarkable feature emerges:...
A central feature of the previous example is...
The interesting feature to notice about (12) is that...
Two notable features are revealed here.
The essential feature required of... is that...

Слайд 65These model subfossils exhibit (reveal) the features that are typical to

(of/for) some Lagerstätten fossils preserved in the fine-grained sediments.

Слайд 66In the given paper are not going to discuss the specifics

of the taphonomic pathways of Lagerstätten, which are extremely variable (Butterfield, 1994, 1995, 2003, Cai et al., 2012), but instead we will discuss one important question, namely why does decay of dead carcasses stop or delay allowing the fossilization to start before the complete degradation of a body.

In the present paper we focus on the reasons why dead carcasses stop decaying and what factors govern the delayed decay allowing the fossilization to start before the complete degradation of a body.

Слайд 68Необходимость синонимичных оборотов
…the basic structural arrangement and interactions of the triplet-bearing

Chl are comparable for the two PSII preparations. From comparison of the triplet-minus-singlet FTIR difference spectrum with the published FTIR difference spectra for photooxidation of P680, it is concluded that…


Слайд 69
This similarity means that the basic structural arrangement and interactions of

the triplet-bearing Chl with its surrounding cofactors could not vary significantly for two types of PSII preparations. We compared the obtained FTIR spectrum with the reported data on FTIR difference spectra for P680 photooxidation that allowed us to uncover the significant difference between triplet-bearing Chl molecules in PS 2 core complexes and the chlorophylls constituting P680.

Слайд 70Знание синонимов
appraise, estimate, evaluate, appreciate, judge
не отмечены в словаре: calculate, consider,

Более нейтральное и употребительное Rating scales to assess depression in school-aged children. – Шкала оценки депрессивности у школьников.
Более формальное, менее употребительное, имеет оттенок оценки качества
It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed. – Невозможно оценить эти результаты, не зная больше о методах, которыми их получили.
Нейтральное, оценивать, исчислять
F’s hypothesis is based on a careful estimation of variations within ….




Слайд 76Для каждой части статьи, для каждого типа информации существуют свои set


Many hypotheses regarding something appear to be ill-defined / unfounded / not well grounded /unsupported / questionable / disputable / debatable
So, researchers try to establish the facts, that they could draw from their material or experimental data. They hope that the facts will bear out or support their hypothesis, they would show the strong points of your research. The facts could be reliable, little-known, relevant and even undeniable.

Слайд 77
How to start an abstract?

We reviewed the published data

on study of_________________

This paper gives an overview of________
This paper gives a review of____
This paper rigorously establishes______
This paper attempts to explain why____
 This paper considers ____
This paper examines how______
This paper presents ___________
 This paper identifies _________
This paper summarizes__________
The paper reviews the problem of ___
This paper develops, measures, and tests___
This paper explores___

Слайд 78Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), or the transfer of genes between species,

has been recognized recently as more pervasive than previously suspected. Here, we report evidence for an unprecedented degree of HGT into an animal genome, based on a draft genome of a tardigrade, Hypsibius dujardini. Tardigrades are microscopic eight-legged animals that are famous for their ability to survive extreme conditions. Genome sequencing, direct confirmation of physical linkage, and phylogenetic analysis revealed that a large fraction of the H. dujardini genome is derived from diverse bacteria as well as plants, fungi, and Archaea. We estimate that approximately one-sixth of tardigrade genes entered by HGT, nearly double the fraction found in the most extreme cases of HGT into animals known to date. Foreign genes have supplemented, expanded, and even replaced some metazoan gene families within the tardigrade genome. Our results demonstrate that an unexpectedly large fraction of an animal genome can be derived from foreign sources. We speculate that animals that can survive extremes may be particularly prone to acquiring foreign genes.

Пример хорошей аннотации.

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Слайд 79Что делать?

Use each and every opportunity to learn the English

Emulate good writing
Build a personal dictionary of “good phrases” from the literature you read
Follow the rule of the three C-s: clear, concise and correct
Check your writing many times before you give it to the reviewers

Слайд 80А еще?
проверка по корпусам текстов.
British National Corpus( BNC)

The Corpus of contemporary American English (COCA)
PDF версии журналов как корпус данных.
Прочитать через несколько дней, желательно вслух + дать почитать другу или друзьям.

Слайд 82 a more probable explanation

A more credible explanation…
A more

plausible explanation…
A more natural explanation…
A more detailed explanation…
A more viable explanation…
A more holistic explanation…
A clear and concise explanation…

Слайд 83
To write or nor to write: there is no such a

question in science!
Convince yourself that you are working in clay, not in marble, on paper not eternal bronze: let that first sentence be as stupid as it writes. ( J. Barzun)
Anyone who wishes to become a good writer should endeavour, before he allows himself to be tempted by the more showy qualities, to be direct, simple, brief, vigorous, and lucid. (Fowler & Fowler, 1906, p. 11)

Слайд 85
Just do!

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