Johnny Depp презентация

Слайд 1Johnny Depp.

Слайд 2Dohnny Depp – is an American film actor.

Слайд 3Life and career Dohnny Depp was born on June 9th 1963 in


The most famous Johnny brought a role in the film by Tim Burton, and the image of Captain Jack Sparrow in the film series "Pirates of the Caribbean". In 2012 was recorded in the Guinness World Records as the highest paid actor, earning $ 75 million a year.
Depp's parents divorced when he was still a teenager.

Слайд 5With 12 years he began to smoke, drink alcohol. When he

was 15, he started to use drugs. At age 16, Depp dropped out of school, wanting to devote his life to music. Depp also interested in literature, and one of his favorite authors is Jack Kerouac.
He has become famous for his portrayal of strange and eccentric characters.
Problems with the law: Was arrested in 1999 for brawling with paparazzi.

Слайд 6Best roles

Слайд 7Musical career
Played in an amateur rock band.
Was the guitarist in

the band The Kids when he was 20 years old.

Слайд 8P -American rock band formed in early 1993 by Butthole Surfers

frontman Gibby Haynes, Johnny Depp, Sal Jenco, and Bill Carter.

Слайд 9Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson

Слайд 10
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Слайд 11Интернет - ресурсы:

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