Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8214 презентация

1. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол: Even young children … help to preserve plants and trees a) must to b) should to c) has to d) can e) ought

Слайд 1Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8214
7-8-9 классы

Слайд 21. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол: Even young children … help to preserve

plants and trees

a) must to
b) should to
c) has to
d) can
e) ought

Слайд 31. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол: Even young children … help to preserve

plants and trees

a) must to
b) should to
c) has to
d) can
e) ought

Слайд 4 2. Закончите предложение: Goes with “unliving things” the word Идет с «неживым

организмами» слово…

a) bird
b) salt
c) fly
d) rhino
e) whale

Слайд 5 2. Закончите предложение: Goes with “unliving things” the word Идет с «живым

организмом» слово…

a) bird - птица
b) salt - соль
c) fly - муха
d) rhino - носорог
e) whale - кит

Слайд 6 3. Закончите предложение: There are a lot of … connected with Christmas

b) postcards
c) traditions
d) quests
e) presents

Слайд 7 3. Закончите предложение: There are a lot of … connected with Christmas

b) postcards
c) traditions
d) quests
e) presents

Слайд 8 4. Закончите предложение: Agatha Christie … work as a nurse before she

became a detective writer

a) used to
b) didn’t use to
c) will not use to
d) never used to
e) not used to

Слайд 9 4. Закончите предложение: Agatha Christie … work as a nurse before she

became a detective writer

a) used to – когда-то …работала
b) didn’t use to
c) will not use to
d) never used to
e) not used to

Слайд 10 5. Выберите сказуемое Past Continuous:
a) We have been walking for hours

This is a girl playing tennis
c) He was playing
d) She wants to meet at 7 o’clock
e) I am a pupil

Слайд 11 5. Выберите сказуемое Past Continuous:
a) We have been walking for hours

– Present Perfect Continuous
b) This is a girl playing tennis – verb to be/Participle I
c) He was playing – Past Continuous
d) She wants to meet at 7 o’clock – Present Simple
e) I am a pupil – verb to be

Слайд 12 6. Выберите правильный артикль: Nick has got … new hat.
a) an
b) -

d) a
e) these

Слайд 13 6. Выберите правильный артикль: Nick has got … new hat.
a) an
b) -

d) a
e) these

Слайд 14 7. Артикль не употребляется перед:
a) названиями рек
b) названиями морей
c) названиями пустынь

названиями океанов
e) названиями стран

Слайд 15 7. Артикль не употребляется перед:
a) названиями рек
b) названиями морей
c) названиями пустынь

названиями океанов
e) названиями стран

Слайд 16 8. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: If we … we … late
a) ran/will

b) run/won’t be
c) ran/will am
d) run/wouldn’t be
e) will run/are

Слайд 17 8. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: If we … we … late First Conditional (If+Present

Simple+ Future Simple)

a) ran/will be
b) run/won’t be
c) ran/will am
d) run/wouldn’t be
e) will run/are

Слайд 18 9. Дополните предложение In … school children don’t have real classes

b) infant
c) secondary
d) junior
e) private

Слайд 19 9. Дополните предложение In … school children don’t have real classes

grammar - грамматика
b) infant – ребенок, детсад
c) secondary -средний
d) junior - младший
e) private - частный

Слайд 20 10. Выберите правильный вопрос: His family used to have their own vegetable


a) Who had a vegetable garden?
b) What his family used to have?
c) What did his family use to have?
d) Where his family had a vegetable garden?
e) Did his family had a vegetable garden?

Слайд 21 10. Выберите правильный вопрос: His family used to have their own vegetable

garden. (когда-то что-то делать)

a) Who had a vegetable garden?
b) What his family used to have?
c) What did his family use_ to have?
d) Where his family had a vegetable garden?
e) Did his family had a vegetable garden?

Слайд 22 11. Выберите пару антонимов: direct -
a) undirect
b) indirect
c) redirect
d) ildidect
e) misdirect

Слайд 23 11. Выберите пару антонимов: direct –прямой, направлять
a) undirect
b) indirect – непрямой, косвенный,

c) redirect - перенаправлять
d) ildidect
e) misdirect – неправильно направлять

Слайд 2412. Замените выделенный модальный глагол синонимом: We have to use solar

power and wind power

a) shouldn’t
b) ought to
c) might
d) can
e) must

Слайд 2512. Замените выделенный модальный глагол синонимом: We have to use solar

power and wind power Мы должны использовать солнечную энергию и энергию ветра

a) shouldn’t – не следует
b) ought to - обязаны
c) might – могли бы
d) can - можем
e) must - должны

Слайд 26 13. Закончите предложение: He … wear suits 10 years ago but now

he wears.

a) didn’t use to
b) wasn’t use to
c) used to
d) using to
e) was using to

Слайд 27 13. Закончите предложение: He … wear suits 10 years ago but now

he wears.

a) didn’t use to – когда-то что-то делал…
b) wasn’t use to
c) used to
d) using to
e) was using to

Слайд 28 14. Закончите предложение: Almaty … the capital of Kazakhstan until 1998

didn’t use to be
b) doesn’t use to be
c) was used to be
d) used to be
e) using to be

Слайд 29 14. Закончите предложение: Almaty … the capital of Kazakhstan until 1998

didn’t use to be
b) doesn’t use to be
c) was used to be
d) used to be – действие в прошлом..
e) using to be

Слайд 30 15. Выберите правильную форму глагола в Present Indefinite Passive: How much

milk … for the cake?

a) needs
b) is needed
c) are need
d) was needed
e) needing

Слайд 31 15. Выберите правильную форму глагола в Present Indefinite Passive: How much

milk … for the cake? (Milk is uncountable – is needed)

a) needs
b) is needed
c) are need
d) was needed
e) needing

Слайд 32 16. Выберите правильный вариант: When she came home, her mother …already

…a tasty dinner

a) is/cook
b) has/cooked
c) had/cooked
d) -/cooked
e) had/cook

Слайд 33 16. Выберите правильный вариант: When she came home, her mother …already

…a tasty dinner (Когда она пришла домой, мама уже приготовила ужин) Past Perfect вспомогательные глаголы - had+ed/verb3 вспомогательные слова - when/by/after/before Rule: завершенность одного действия до начала другого действия

a) is/cook
b) has/cooked
c) had/cooked – Past Perfect
d) -/cooked
e) had/cook

Слайд 34 17. Определите правильно составленное предложение:
a) She has been painting her

house for a weekend
b) She has painting her house for a weekend
c) She has being painting her house for a weekend
d) She had painting her house for a weekend
e) She have painted her house for a weekend

Слайд 35 17. Определите правильно составленное предложение: Present Perfect Continuous вспомогательные глаголы: have/has+been+ing вспомогательные слова:

since/for Rule: незавершенность действия на момент речи

a) She has been painting her house for a weekend
b) She has painting her house for a weekend
c) She has being painting her house for a weekend
d) She had painting her house for a weekend
e) She have painted her house for a weekend

Слайд 36 18. Артикль the употребляется перед:
a) названиями морей
b) названиями городов
c) названиями стран

названиями островов
e) названиями деревень

Слайд 37 18. Артикль the употребляется перед:
a) названиями морей
b) названиями городов
c) названиями стран

названиями островов
e) названиями деревень

Слайд 38 19. Переведите в косвенную речь: “Where is the bus station?” she


a) Mum asked where is the bus station
b) Mum asked where was the bus station
c) Mum asked where the bus station is
d) Mum asked where the bus station was
e) Mum asked if where the bus station was

Слайд 39 19. Переведите в косвенную речь: “Where is the bus station?” she

asked Rule: если основной глагол “asked” в прошедшем времени, то глаголы в прямой речи меняются по принципу «шаг назад» Present Simple на Past Simple

a) Mum asked where is the bus station
b) Mum asked where was the bus station
c) Mum asked where the bus station is
d) Mum asked where the bus station was
e) Mum asked if where the bus station was

Слайд 40a) now - then
b) today – the next day
c) yesterday –

that day
d) tomorrow – the day before
e) ago - those

20. Найдите правильный вариант изменения слова при переводе прямой речи в косвенную:

Слайд 41a) now - then
b) today – the next day/that day
c) yesterday

– that day/the day before
d) tomorrow – the day before/next day
e) ago – those/before

20. Найдите правильный вариант изменения слова при переводе прямой речи в косвенную:
this → that/ these → those/ now → then today → that day/ tomorrow → next day the day after tomorrow → 2 days later yesterday → the day before the day before yesterday → 2 days before ago → before/ here → there

Слайд 42a) We will get faster if we go by taxi
b) We

get faster if we will go by taxi
c) We got faster if we would go by taxi
d) We got faster if we will go by taxi
e) We would get faster if we go by taxi

21. Найдите правильный вариант предложения:

Слайд 43a) We will get faster if we go by taxi
b) We

get faster if we will go by taxi
c) We got faster if we would go by taxi
d) We got faster if we will go by taxi
e) We would get faster if we go by taxi

21. Найдите правильный вариант предложения:
First Conditionals
(If+Present Simple+Future Simple)

Слайд 44a) He said that people don’t understand the importance of the

b) He said that people didn’t understood the importance of the problem
c) He said that people didn’t understand the importance of the problem
d) He said that people hadn’t understand the importance of the problem
e) He said that people are not understand the importance of the problem

22. Переведите в косвенную речь:
He said: “People don’t understand the importance of the problem

Слайд 45a) He said that people don’t understand the importance of the

b) He said that people didn’t understood the importance of the problem
c) He said that people didn’t understand the importance of the problem
d) He said that people hadn’t understand the importance of the problem
e) He said that people are not understand the importance of the problem

22. Переведите в косвенную речь:
He said: “People don’t understand the importance of the problem
Rule: если основной глагол “said” в прошедшем времени, то глаголы в прямой речи меняются по принципу «шаг назад» Present Simple на Past Simple

Слайд 46a) What should students do?
b) Who should keep working places clean?

Should students keep their working places clean or dirty?
d) Should students keep their working places clean?
e) What should students keep clean?

23. Выберите общий вопрос к предложению:
Students should keep their working places clean

Слайд 47a) What should students do? – special
b) Who should keep

working places clean? – Question to the subject
c) Should students keep their working places clean or dirty? – alternative question
d) Should students keep their working places clean? – general question
e) What should students keep clean? – special question

23. Выберите общий вопрос к предложению:
Students should keep their working places clean

Слайд 48a) will help
b) help
c) would help
d) helped
e) have help
24. Закончите предложение:

promised they … me in the garden.

Слайд 49a) will help
b) help
c) would help
d) helped
e) have help
24. Закончите предложение:

promised they … me in the garden.
Она обещала, что они помогут
Sequence of tense/Согласование времен:
Past Simple – Future in the Past

Слайд 50a) will come
b) would come
c) shall come
d) have come
e) would came

Закончите предложение:
We knew he … there again

Слайд 51a) will come
b) would come
c) shall come
d) have come
e) would came

Закончите предложение:
We knew he … there again
Sequence of tense/Согласование времен:
Past Simple – Future in the Past

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