How do we see the computers of the future презентация

It was always fashionable to dream about the future. Lately I have dreams about the future of the computer... What it will be like a year from now, five, ten

Слайд 1How do we see the computers of the future...
Работу выполнили студенты

11 ИВТ
Воистинов Артем и Пестреев Максим

Слайд 2
It was always fashionable to dream about the future. Lately I

have dreams about the future of the computer... What it will be like a year from now, five, ten years...

Слайд 3The user computer is of course:
1. easy
2. with a sufficiently large

and bright screen, in certain cases, perhaps even projection
3. with a large capacity and is able to perform multiple independent tasks simultaneously
4. running time without recharging the power source.

This computer for work,
leisure and entertainment,
home control,
personal banking
terminal, ... .

Слайд 4 The control of the computer, the mouse and keyboard will

remain in the past and will be replaced by a whole new way to control computers is........

Слайд 5... use chip implanted in the human brain that will be

able to capture brain signals

Слайд 6The chip implanted in the human brain

Слайд 7the computer person can control at a distance with the help

of brain signals

Слайд 8 After about 100 years, scientists will create the same chips

that will be able to convert the graphics, sound and any other information directly into the brain signals, bypassing the usual us the senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, etc.).

Слайд 9Interface computers of the future from the Poppy Funamizu
Designer designed the

interface for computers of the future. The interface is made in the form of a carousel and vividly recalls movies like Surrogates and Gamer.

Слайд 10The computer of the future: the glasses as a wonderful instrument

the help of this device people will be able to make calls, go online shopping, translate the labels in the menu, or on signs, take pictures and upload them to the Internet, to transmit data about their whereabouts and learn the location of friends, in a word, to be constantly in touch with the world wide web and its services. These glasses will also be able to perform the function of the organizer.

Слайд 11The concept of Frank Nicholas Frank is a small device with

a pair of projectors.

One projector plays the role of monitor, and the second projects a virtual keyboard on the table. All computing processes are carried out not on the device (it is too small), and through cloud networks. In addition, a computer capable of performing the role of the mobile phone.

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