Holidays in the USA презентация

I. Greeting T: Good afternoon, pupils! P: Good afternoon, teacher! T: How are you? P: We are fine, and you? T: I`m all right, thanks. Who`s on duty today? P: I`m

Слайд 112.05.2017
6 form
Theme: Holidays in the USA
Aims: I. Оқушыларға жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіру,жаңа

сөздермен таныстыру. Жаңа сөздерді қолдана отырып мәтін құрап сойлеуге үйрету
II.Оқушылардың сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту.
III. Адамгершілікке, ұқыптылыққа ,сыпайылыққа тәрбиелеу

Method of the lesson: Answer the questions
Type of the lesson: mixed
Materials for the lesson: blackboard ,cards

Слайд 2I. Greeting
T: Good afternoon, pupils!
P: Good afternoon, teacher!
T: How are you?

We are fine, and you?
T: I`m all right, thanks. Who`s on duty today?
P: I`m on duty today.
T: Who`s absent?
P: All are present.
T: what date is it today?
P: The ____of______________.
T: What day is it today?
P: Today is_________________.

Слайд 3II. Checking the homework
What was your hometask for today?
Are you

-Who is ready?

Слайд 4III. So, pupils look at the picture what can you see?

me about this picture?

Слайд 6Pupils look at the picture and say what is it?
What do

you think?
Do you like holidays?
What holidays do you know in Kz?
What do you think what is our new theme?

Слайд 7The theme of the lesson is:

Holidays in

the USA

Слайд 8 V.

Invite [invait] шақыру 
A postcard [‘pəustka:d] ашық хат 
Invitation [invit’teiʃən] шақыру қағазы
Send жіберу
Delicious [diliʃəs] өте әдемі
Boring [‘bɔ:riŋ] көңілсіз, зеріктіретіндей
disgusting [disg’ʌstiŋ] жағымсыз

Слайд 9 VІ. Work with


Ex.6. p132. Your task is to read and answer to the questions: 

Слайд 10 VІ. Work with


Ex.6. p132. Your task is answer to the questions:  1) Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving day?
2) what holiday do they dress up funny or scary?

Слайд 11II. Warming-up
Let’s begin our lesson with the warm up. Look at

the blackboard, let’s sing a song. Let’s read it.
If you happy and you know it clap you hands


Слайд 12
VIII. So open your copybook and write down this exercise
Task1: Yesterday

I received a letter from America. The American boy Jacky described New Year’s Day but he made some mistakes and left out the verb to be. Please, read the letter and correct the mistakes:
“Today _____ New Year’s Day and my family and I _____ at home. It_____ New Year’s Eve yesterday and we ____ in our city shopping for present. It____ not cold yesterday but it ____ snowing outside. We___ not cold because there____ warm in the living room when we came home yesterday. I like this holiday and I _____ very happy today!”

Слайд 13


T: Guess what people usually wish to

each other in holidays. Make a wish, please.

I swhi uyo a ayd papyh!

Слайд 14IX. Conclusion Venn diagram. You should write US’s and Kazakhstan’s differ holidays

and similar holidays

Слайд 15VII. Home – task:
a) to write about your holiday
b) to learn

new words by heart

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