Hobbies - an important part of human life презентация

Here, amazingly large number of people who bred horses, or dogs, or pigs, or sheep, or cows; who play cricket, golf, tennis and boating; who collect books, prints, autographs, Japanese trinkets

Слайд 1Hobbies - an important part of human life. So important that

one of the first questions you ask an Englishman: What is your hobby? (What are your hobbies?) Hobby - it is a vital human passion (temporary or permanent), which he wants to do, and with joy and without sparing of time and effort.

Hobbies can be a good way to deal with stress, moreover, they often help to develop a vision, to expand the circle of friends and can help fulfill your potential

Слайд 2Here, amazingly large number of people who bred horses, or dogs,

or pigs, or sheep, or cows; who play cricket, golf, tennis and boating; who collect books, prints, autographs, Japanese trinkets or porcelain; who are studying some ancient language or make travel to unknown lands; who are addicted to hunting, fishing, or botany; who study some area of archeology, or explore the roots of their family tree.

Слайд 3One of the interests of the British considered collection (collecting). Collect

everything from old cars to the thimble. A huge number of people collect stamps, coins.

There will be collectors of antique carpentry tools, unusual kitchen utensils, door handles. For replenishment of the collection Englishman is ready to spend a fortune and even risk their reputation.

Слайд 4Gardening - all engaged in this occupation: workers and directors, students

and professors, ordinary people and aristocrats. Whether it is a large garden, whether ordinary pots and boxes, they will be ennobled by greenery, flowers planted personally by the owner. Delving into his garden, the Englishman ceases to be stiff and reserved, he opens and relaxes. And the result is obvious: in England, the most well-kept gardens, parks, lawns

Слайд 5The British are convinced that a person who loves animals can

not be all bad. They themselves love the animals. Any. And keep them not to, like representatives of other nations, to force their pets to protect home or other property, or to use them for research purposes, or simply for the sake of prestige. Pets are kept exclusively for the British company.

Слайд 6Football in England are playing. In every city there are several

professional clubs, in addition to the mass of the second grade. In some form - is also a hobby.

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