Hippie is a specific subculture презентация

Слайд 1 HIPPIE
Ivakina Daria 10 A

Слайд 2Hippie is a specific subculture that emerged in the U.S. in

the early sixties of the twentieth century.

Слайд 3Their mission was to bring into masses pure love, peace, unity,

freedom of expression and confrontation of social norms.

Слайд 4A Grand tradition hippie- Rainbow Gathering.

Слайд 5Symbol hippie – rainbow.

Слайд 6 Appearance
Regardless of gender – long hair combed to

a straight parting, a special tape around the head, on the hands – "baubles," i.e. self-made bracelets or necklaces, often made of beads, wood or leather, often disproportionate knitted sweater decorated with beads or embroidery denim bag on the neck for storing money and documents , color of clothing mainly bright , but not flashy. The latest generation of hippies distinguished by such attributes as a backpack and three to four stake
formed in the ears, less frequently in the nose (piercing).

Слайд 8 Music style

Music culture

hippies was a mixture of rock, folk, Blues and psychedelic rock.

Слайд 9 Modern hippie

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