Daddy-Long-Legs презентация

СЛОВА Orphanage – детский дом Charge – расходы, попечение Gravestone – надгробный камень Asylum - приют Matron – заведующая Trustee – опекун, попечитель Dread - страх Courage -мужество Haste –


Слайд 2СЛОВА
Orphanage – детский дом
Charge – расходы, попечение
Gravestone – надгробный камень
Asylum -

Matron – заведующая
Trustee – опекун, попечитель
Dread - страх
Courage -мужество
Haste – торопливость
Bothersome - надоедливый
tallness - высокий рост
Tuition – обучение
Allowance – пособие
Alias – псевдоним
Furnish – меблировать
curtains – шторы
Mahogany – красное дерево
Chair - кресло

Jerusha Abbot:
Orphan (the oldest orphan in the John Grier

Sunny soul
17 year old
Writes good essays

“The first Wednesday in every month was a

Perfectly Awful Day - day to be awaited with dread, endured with courage and forgotten with haste”

The Trustees and visit the John Grier Home at the first Wednesday in every month to make their rounds, and read their reports, and drunk their tea, and to forget their bothersome little charges for another month.

At the evening of Wednesday Mrs. Lippett (matron) invites Jerusha to talk.
As she came downstairs, a last Trustee stood, on the point of departure, in the open door. Jerusha saw only shadow of tallness man.

As it turned out, this gentleman have an immoderate sense of humor. He read an essay that Jerusha had written entitled, "Blue Wednesday” and he has offered to send you to college. He will pay tuition and give an allowance of thirty-five dollars a month, Jerusha will have to write a letter once a month for John Smith (alias).

Слайд 5CHAPTER 2: LETTER 1-5
Jerusha -> Judy

2) Mr. John Smith ->


3) Jerusha likes to College

4) New friends - Sallie McBride (Sallie has red hair and a turn-up nose and
is quite friendly), Julia Rutledge Pendleton (Julia comes from one of the first families in New York)

5) Jerusha came to the basket-ball team, Jerusha quick and wiry and tough.

6) How Jerusha has furnished her room? It's a symphony in brown and yellow (yellow denim curtains, mahogany desk, brown rug with an ink spot in the middle, she stand the chair over the spot)

Слайд 6CHAPTER 3: LETTER 6-13
Jerusha write about her clothes that bought for

Jerusha - not handed down from somebody bigger. It is a climax in the career of an orphan

2) She never read Mother Goose or David Copperfield or Ivanhoe or Cinderella or Blue Beard or Robinson Crusoe or Jane Eyre or Alice in Wonderland or a word of Rudyard Kipling. She didn't know that Henry the Eighth was married more than once or that Shelley was a poet. She didn't know that people used to be monkeys and that the Garden of Eden was a beautiful myth. She didn't know that R. L. S. stood for Robert Louis Stevenson or that George Eliot was a lady. She had never seen a picture of the `Mona Lisa' and (it's true but you won't believe it) I had never heard of Sherlock Holmes.

3) Jerusha Abbott has commenced to be an author. A poem entitled, `From my Tower', appears in the February Monthly on the first page, which is a very great honor for a Freshman.

4) Is Daddy-Long-Legs SURELY in a good humor? Jerusha failed in mathematics and Latin prose. Later she had re-examinations and passed them both.

Слайд 7CHAPTER 4: LETTER 14-19
She wrote an angry letter because Daddy-Long-Legs never

answer any questions. “You are probably the horridest one of all those horrid Trustees, and the reason you are educating me is, not because you care a bit about me, but from a sense of Duty.”

She apologizes about that dreadful letter.

She get long white box filled with the LOVELIEST pink rosebuds. And much nicer still, it contained a card with a very polite message from Daddy-Long-Legs written in a funny little uphill back hand. This flowers make the first real, true present Jerusha ever received in her life. She lay down and cried because she was so happy.

She have been walking and talking and having tea with a man. She never talked to a man before. This man was very superior man, Mr. Jervis Pendleton of the House of Julia, her uncle (he's as tall as Daddy-Long-Legs) “Mr. Pendleton reminded me a little of you, Daddy, as you were twenty years ago. He's very companionable.”

Later morning three boxes of chocolates came by express for Julia and Sallie and Jerusha from Mr. Jervis Pendleton. To be getting candy from a man! Jerusha begin to feel like a girl instead of a foundling.

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