Colourful Grammar Түрлі-түсті грамматика. Цветная грамматика by text #7 Executioner Derrick презентация

Слайд 1Colourful Grammar Түрлі-түсті грамматика Цветная грамматика by text #7 Executioner Derrick
For 7-8-9-10 grades

Слайд 2Define parts of speech through the colours

Слайд 3

4. Adverbs have:
superlative forms
(without the)

of speech

5. Verbs have regular/irregular forms

2. Pronouns have:
1.Personal - I;
2. Demonstrative - this;
3. Possessive - my/mine;
4. Objective -me;
5. Indefinite - some;
6. Interrogative - who;
7. Relative - which;
8. Reflexive - myself;
9. Negative - nobody;
10. Reciprocal – each other

3. Adjectives have: simple/comparative/
superlative forms
(with the)

9. Prepositions:
e.g. at/in/for

6. Phrasal verbs
e.g. to rub out

cardinal /ordinal

1.Nouns can be :
2.Singular/Plural forms;
3.Possessive case

11. Idioms:
e.g. to roll in money

8. Articles: a/an/the

10. Conjunctions:
e.g. and/but/when

12 State phrase:
e.g. to make sandwich

Слайд 4#7.Прочитайте текст и завершите предложение
About the year(s) 1600, there lived

(Past Simple) in London a noted executioner (s) named (Participle II) Derrick who used to hang (Past Simple) criminals. So skilful was (verb to be in Past) he in+raising(Gerund) on high these unfortunate men that his name(s) was given (Past Simple Passive Voice) to the machines used for+lifting (Gerund) up or moving (Gerund) from place(s) to place(s) heavy weights. Today derricks are specially used (Past Simple Passive Voice) on ships for+loading (Gerund) and unloading (Gerund) cargo_.
Derricks are....
a) coins in some countries / b) machines
c) instruments for musicians / d) ships
e) the buses for criminals

Слайд 5#7.Прочитайте текст и завершите предложение
About the year(s) 1600, there lived

in London a noted executioner (s) named Derrick who used to hang criminals. So skilful was he in+raising on high these unfortunate men that his name(s) was given to the machines used for+lifting up or moving from place(s) to place(s) heavy weights. Today derricks are specially used on ships for+loading and unloading cargo_.
Derricks are....
a) coins in some countries / b) machines
c) instruments for musicians / d) ships
e) the buses for criminals

Слайд 6#7. Answer the questions according to the text:
When did the executioner

Who is an executioner?
How was his name given to the machines?
How are used derricks today?

Слайд 7Define the nouns from the texts

Слайд 8Define the nouns from the texts

Слайд 9Define the pronouns from the texts

Слайд 10Define the pronouns from the texts

Слайд 11Define the adjectives from the texts

Слайд 12Define the adjectives from the texts

Слайд 13Define the adverbs from the texts

Слайд 14Define the adverbs from the texts

Слайд 15Define the prepositions from the texts

Слайд 16Define the prepositions from the texts

Слайд 17Define the conjunction from the texts

Слайд 18Define the conjunction from the texts

Слайд 19Define the tenses of the verbs from the texts

Слайд 20Define the tenses of the verbs from the texts

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