Christmas tongue twisters презентация

CHRISTMAS TONGUE TWISTERS Bobby brings bright bells. Seven Santas sang silly songs. Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel. Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.

Bobby brings bright bells.
Seven Santas sang silly

Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel.
Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.

Слайд 8MY PET
This is my pet. It is a cat. It is

white. Her mane is Snezhka. It is 7. Her favourite toy is a small grey and pink mouse. I like cats and dogs. I don’t like snakes and mice.
We love Snezhka a lot!

Слайд 9The snowman
Come to the garden
And play in the snow
Make a

white snowman
And help him grow!
«What a nice snowman!»
The children will say.
«What a fine game
for a cold winter day!»

Слайд 10The snowman
Come to the g…..
And play in the s…..
Make a white

And help …. grow!
«W…… a nice s…….!»
The children will s…..
«W….. a fine g…..
for a cold winter d….!»

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