Christmas презентация

the 25th of December the Christmas tree Christmas Read the new words: Christmas stocking

Слайд 2the 25th of December
the Christmas tree
Read the new words:
Christmas stocking

Слайд 3Father Frost
Santa Claus
to decorate the Christmas tree
coloured balls
little coloured lights
Christmas Eve

the new words:

Слайд 4presents
greeting cards
relatives and friends
Read the new words:

Слайд 5True (+) or false? (-)
The 25th of December is Christmas Eve.

a happy holiday.

Before Christmas English people are not very busy.

They send greeting cards to their relatives and friends.


Слайд 6True (+) or false? (-)
A lot of children make greeting cards

at school.

People buy and decorate the Christmas tree.

On Christmas morning people put their presents under the Christmas tree.


Слайд 7In the evening Father Christmas comes.
He puts the presents under the

Christmas tree.

When children go to bed, they put their stockings under the bed.

True (+) or false? (-)


At night

into the children’s stockings

Слайд 8Prepositions of place:


Слайд 9Prepositions of time:

Christmas Day
the 24th of December
the 26th of December
the 25th

of December

Christmas Eve

Boxing Day

Слайд 10до Рождества
Translate the word combinations:
before Christmas
after Christmas
после Рождества
на Рождество
on Christmas
√ двадцать

пятого декабря

on the 25th of December

Слайд 11в канун Рождества
on Christmas Eve
в школе
at school
√ ночью
at night


in the evening

мешок √ подарков

a bag of presents

Pay attention to prepositions:

Слайд 12decorate with toys
украшать √ игрушками
праздник для многих людей
a holiday for many


посылать открытки √ друзьям

send cards to their friends

положить подарки в чулочки

put presents into the stockings

Pay attention to prepositions:

Слайд 13Put in the prepositions:
Christmas is a happy holiday …. a

lot of people.

Some weeks …. Christmas English people are very busy.

They send greetings cards …. their relatives and friends.






Слайд 14Put in the prepositions:
Children make greeting cards … school.
People decorate

the Christmas tree … toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.

They put their presents under the tree … Christmas Eve.






Слайд 15Put in the prepositions:
Father Christmas comes … night.
He has

got a big bag … presents.

He puts the presents … the children’s stockings.






Слайд 16Put in the missing words:
1. Christmas Day is on the …

It is a happy holiday for …

3.People are very before Christmas.

Слайд 174. They

to all their relatives

and friends.

5. Children at school.

6. People the Christmas tree with ….

Слайд 187. On English people


Christmas presents ….

8. When children go to bed they put their

near the ….

9. At night comes.

Слайд 1910. He has got a big

of …

11. puts the presents into the …

Слайд 20Answer the questions:
1. When is Christmas Day?
Christmas Day is on the

25th of December.

2. Is it a happy holiday for many people?

It is a happy holiday for many people.

Слайд 213. Are people very busy before Christmas?
People are very busy before


4. Do they send greeting cards?

They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends.

Слайд 225. Do children make greeting cards at school?
Children make greeting cards

at school.

6. How do people decorate the Christmas tree?

They decorate the Christmas tree with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.

Слайд 237. Where do English people put their Christmas presents?
English people put

their Christmas
presents under the Christmas tree.

8. When do English people put their Christmas presents under the Christmas tree?

They put their Christmas presents under the Christmas tree
on Christmas Eve

Слайд 249. Where do children put their stockings, when they go to


When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds.

10. Who comes at night?

At night Father Christmas (Santa Clause) comes.

Слайд 2511. Has he got a bag of presents for children?
He has

got a big bag of present for children.

12. Where does he put the presents for children?

He puts the presents into
the children’s stockings.

Слайд 26Speak about Christmas

Слайд 27Speak about Christmas

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