Capsule wardrobe for cooks. Stepanova E презентация

The chef-confectioner, the chef of the fashionable restaurant and the "guru" from the nearby sushi bar - they all work in the catering industry. And the satisfaction of these personal hygiene

Слайд 1Capsule wardrobe for cooks
Stepanova Elena Sh-51

Слайд 2The chef-confectioner, the chef of the fashionable restaurant and the "guru"

from the nearby sushi bar - they all work in the catering industry. And the satisfaction of these personal hygiene cooks depends, ultimately, both the quality of the finished product, and the health of people who use their services.

The main task of the chef's clothing is to protect food products from potential "contamination" by the worker himself.

Слайд 3The set of sanitary clothing for the cook includes:
Robe (jacket),
Chef's cap

(cap, headscarf),
Skirt / trousers,
Chef's apron,

Слайд 4Sanitary requirements for the clothes of cooks

Sanitary clothing should be made

of cotton fabric, easy to disinfect, white or light colors.
It should be regularly disinfected and ironed after washing with a hot iron.
Cooks are obliged to change sanitation as it is contaminated (at least every 2 days), and also - necessarily - before the immediate distribution of ready meals.
The cook must cover his head with a special scarf or cap to avoid accidental ingress of hair into food. A hat is put on before putting on a robe or jacket!
Chef's shoes should be on a non-slip sole, with a closed heel, easily washable.

Слайд 6It is forbidden:
Wear during work any ornaments - beads, rings, clips,

to exclude their ingress into food,
Sharp-pointed objects in sanitary clothing,
Leave his workplace in sanitary clothing, including - to visit it in the bathroom for staff,
Store sanitary clothing together with outerwear,
Pinning sanitary ware with pins, brooches, needles and hairpins.

Слайд 7 Home clothes
Clothing for the home is not a diverse choice, but

for men with it is important to have several types of clothing, depending on the occupation.
Bathrobe - is gaining popularity among the stronger sex. Comfortable, warm and soft, not constraining movements, allow to relax as much as possible after a hard day and not only. After taking a bath is also quite nice to wear a soft gown.

Слайд 8
A sports suit is also a very convenient and practical wardrobe

item, in which it is not a shame to go to neighbors or go out for a while. Also, a sports suit is very convenient and practical, you can not only relax, but also do your housework.

Слайд 9Shorts and T-shirt - a classic of the genre for hot

days. It is important to choose shorts, the most comfortable and not constraining movements. This set of home clothes, like the previous one, allows you to deal with domestic chores and get out on the street in this apparel is not ashamed.

Depending on the time of year and occupation, the material should be:
Warm, warming in cold weather and will be able to retain heat. With this, no problems can cope with natural materials with insulation, besides, natural fibers allow breathing the skin.
Sturdy and non-creasing material that will withstand more washings and prolonged toes.
As for summer clothes, it should also be chosen from natural material, synthetic for home there is nothing.
Clothes for the house should not be heavy, even a robe. In today's market, good, there is enough choice.
It is also important to choose clothes for the house in size, but it is important that the movements it does not constrain.

Слайд 10 Slippers
The notorious slippers are a rather important element of the male

image in the home environment.
The shape and type of slippers can be arbitrarily diverse. As a rule, these are shoes made in the form of slippers. It is made of soft leather or fabric. It is recommended to have in the wardrobe at least 3-4 pairs of slippers designed for guests, and several pairs for personal use.

Слайд 11Outgoing clothes
Spring-summer set
Trousers of a loose cut of light tones and

from natural fabrics. The most optimal option - linen, natural shade.
A few strict T-shirts without prints, preferably light ones. For example, a white polo shirt will be appropriate.
Shirt with short sleeves, solid, without extra details.
Moccasins of dark color. Shades of gray, brown are acceptable. Less formally, but it is appropriate in certain cases may look espadrilles or slipones.

Слайд 12Wardrobe for autumn and winter
First and foremost is, of course, a

classic business suit that can be made in one of the darkest tones: black, brown, gray or blue.
Another thing must have - a casual jacket that will fit not only to strict trousers, but also to jeans, and also to be combined with different kinds of shoes.
Outerwear. There can be absolutely anyone - a coat, a down jacket, a jacket, a fur coat, a sheepskin coat - the choice of the man himself.
Shoes - strict classical models, preferably black.


Tie clip;
A pen;
Bracelet on the arm;

Men's scarf

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