Ancient Aztecs презентация

In Central Mexico for a long time lived a lot of tribes, speaking different languages. They were skilled farmers and artisans. The Mexican aborigines created their first states early.

Слайд 1 Aztecs
Kozlova Marina

Слайд 2
In Central Mexico for a long time lived a lot of

tribes, speaking different languages. They were skilled farmers and artisans. The Mexican aborigines created their first states early.

Слайд 3Archaeologists believe that they were similar to the city-states of the

ancient Mesopotamia. The major city centers were Teotihuacan, Cholula, and Shochikolko.

Слайд 4
Their temples and palaces still impress with the perfection of proportions

and the grace of decoration. Indians reached the heights of skill in sculpture, the manufacture of vessels and other artistic products.

Слайд 5 Religion.
The Aztecs had many gods. After capturing some city or

people, they added his gods to their own. The conquerors acquainted the conquered with their gods.

Слайд 6
Therefore, the Aztecs had several deities of the sun, several deities

of water, several deities of the earth. Many gods, according to the Aztec legends, lived in the underworld. Also, the Aztecs came with myths.

Слайд 7
Tales of the gods, who were worshiped by their neighbors and

predecessors, closely intertwined with the Aztec legends.


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