About myself презентация

Слайд 1About myself
I am young and try to live an interesting life,

be positive, creative and make my life more exciting and brilliant!!!

Слайд 2Hobbies and personal interests. I’m communicative, ambitious and cheerful…

Слайд 3My free time and my great sense of humor. I’m creative,

smart, kind and natural.

Слайд 4Fashion in my life. I’m crazy shopper and I’ve got a

good taste in choosing clothes.

Слайд 5My eating habits. “Good health is above wealth”. I lead a

healthy life. I try to keep my fit in a good form!

Слайд 6“Home sweet home”. My responsibilities at home. I’m understanding, responsible, polite

and helpful person.

Слайд 7Friendship in my life. I am sociable, generous, friendly, helpful and

attentive person.

Слайд 8My dreams and reality. I’m confident, intelligent and ambitious person.

Слайд 9Pros and cons in my character.
I’m a little bit stubborn, fogetful,

sleepy, lazy and self confident.

I’m positive, creative, generous, pleasant, friendly and honest.

Слайд 10What I would like to improve in my character. I’d like never

disappointed in people or life. Be more trustful, reliable and take care of my dearest.

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