A Calendar of British Holidays презентация

The purpose and objectives of the project is to create a calendar of British holidays. 1 to find information about British holidays in different sources; 2.to select the most

Слайд 1A Calendar of British Holidays
Gatayllina Maria
Godovikova Yulia
Syasegova Ksenia

Слайд 2The purpose and objectives of the project
is to create a

calendar of British holidays.

1 to find information about British holidays in different sources;
2.to select the most meaningful holidays;
3.to decide how the calendar will look like;
4.to make the parts of the calendar: the canvas, cards with numbers, months, days of the week, holidays;
5.to compose the calendar.

Слайд 3Stages of the project:
1. The preparatory stage:
• to learn about holidays

in The UK;
• to choose the most interesting holidays;
• to decide which tools and materials to use.
2. The main stage:
• to design the scheme of the calendar;
• to make the canvas, cards with numbers, months, days of week, holidays;
• to compose the calendar.
3. The final stage:
• to make an opinion poll among the students and teachers of our school to find out if this calendar is useful;
• to present the calendar to our classmates.

Слайд 4The preparatory stage
We learned about the holidays of the UK

and made a list of them according to the season.(34 holidays)

Слайд 5The main stage
1. The development of the idea
We drew a sketch

of the future calendar.
A1 format .

Слайд 6The main stage
The removable parts:
1. Double-sided tape.
2. Pins.
3. Velcro fasteners

Слайд 7The process of creating the calendar
Whatman paper
The chart for one month

British flag(the upper-left corner)
the removable cards
Velcro fasteners
Some interested pictures on the UK
Two boxes to keep the removable cards

Слайд 8That’s what we got as a result

Слайд 9The final stage and the assessment of the product
Teachers (10 people):
1. 100%

think it is important for students of a linguistic school to know the holidays of the UK;
2. 100% regularly talk about the holidays in the UK or the USA with your students during or between lessons;
3. 100% usually use videos or songs to teach holidays;
4. 100% think a calendar of British holidays will be useful;
5. 100% would like to have such a calendar in their classroom

Students (40 people):
1. 80% know nothing about the UK, 20% listed some facts;
2. 90% wrote Christmas, Halloween and St. Valentine’s Day;
3. 80% wrote the right dates for these holidays;
4. 0% have heard about these holidays;
5. 90% would like to learn about these and other holidays of the UK;
6. 45% would like to have such a calendar;
7. 85% think this calendar can be useful at English lessons.

Слайд 10Conclusions
Our project is successful
Positive responses
Some people asked us to make such

a calendar for them
Some gave new ideas to us

Слайд 11Thank you for attention!

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