Lessons Learned The Hard Way: Data Science Interviews презентация

Greg Kamradt @gregkamradt gkamradt@gmail.com Galvanize Cohort 6 - Spring 2015 April 13th - July 10th Ryd.io Senior Analyst, Product Data Science - Salesforce Salesforce > R&D > Product Data Science >

Слайд 1Lessons Learned The Hard Way: Data Science Interviews
Greg Kamradt - August,

17th, 2015 - Galvanize - San Francisco

Слайд 2Greg Kamradt
Galvanize Cohort 6 - Spring 2015
April 13th - July 10th

Analyst, Product Data Science - Salesforce
Salesforce > R&D > Product Data Science > Business Analytics & Strategy

Слайд 3First...the data
63 Unique Companies
40 Companies Processed
10 Interviews in Progress

Слайд 4“If I wanted a XYZ data scientist, I’d go grab one

off the street...but I don’t, I need someone like you.”

“Finding a Data Scientist is hard, hiring one is harder.”

Robin Glinton

Hernan Asorey

Слайд 5Take Aways
Organize and follow up

Make everyone’s job easier

Hard creative energy

Слайд 6Lessons Learned
Old Process
New Process

Front Door Apps

Reaching Out
Front Door

Слайд 7The Process

Слайд 81.
Where do I find companies to apply? How do I stay


Слайд 9Sourcing
Personal Big List
Alternative Data Science Industries
Hacker News
Who’s Hiring? - August, 2015

- 51 DS Jobs

Huge list > Pluck and Prune

Слайд 10Organize and Follow Up!
You’re an in-demand data scientist...keep your cool and

stay organized.

Слайд 11Company List

Слайд 12Email/Interview Tracker

Слайд 132.
How do I get the attention of the right person?


can I do to reduce friction?

Слайд 14Pitching Process
Company List
Tech Recruiters/Data Scientists - LinkedIn
The Email Pitch

Слайд 15Finding the Gate Keeper
Tech Recruiters/Data Scientists
“site:linkedin.com Instacart technical recruiter”
Asses size of

company, data science team
When in doubt, reach out

Get your story in the right hands

Слайд 16Make everyone’s job easier!
You get one shot, if that, to leave

your mark. Make it easy on the gate keeper.

Слайд 17Email Pitch
Quick intro
Name, background, Galvanize (fka Zipfian Academy), link to the

program (alumni), “I’m a data scientist”

Final Project
Easy, digestible, appeal in under 20 seconds, sharable, readable

Express Interest to Learn More
“I’m excited about the interesting problems XYZ is working on”
“I’d love to find out more about the data team at XYZ”

Hint: You’re going to be forwarded

Subject: “Introduction - Kamradt”

Слайд 18Visual > Text > Code
Final project MUST have a web presence


it easy for others to share and digest

r/dataisbeautiful, r/datascience, blogs, newsletters, twitter, HN, DT

Final Project

Win over the gate keeper and do a phone screen

Слайд 19Let your work do the talking

Слайд 203.
How can I most efficiently convey my skills?

How can I prep

for calls?

Слайд 21Step in your interviewer’s shoes
Do your prep!

Слайд 22Interview Prep
No excuses
Recruiters are your friend
Do your research on interviewer
blog, linkedin,

articles, interests, tech stack
Questions are GOLDEN!
Google: “XYZ company news”
Ask about role/responsibility transitions

No surprises, be prepared

Слайд 23Interview Key Points
Most common questions
Tell me about your background, why us/our

Open phone call light hearted
Sharp direction > General > “Down for anything”
It’s ok to not know an answer, don’t panic
“That’s an awesome/interesting question, I’d love to do more research and put together an answer”
Re-write your resume - tip of your tongue
Ditto for DS prep
SQL - 0/3

Efficiently deliver your preparation

Слайд 24Hard Creative Energy!
more([“work”, “attention”, “energy”]) ->
[“More Benefit”]

Слайд 25Resources and Goodies
Company List
Email/Interview Tracker
Cold Email Intro Template
Resume - Creddle.io
Interview Prep

- All Galvanize

Use and Improve for the next class

Слайд 26
Any questions?
You can find me at
Final Project - Ryd.io

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